An exciting journey through the life of Pharrell Williams, told through the lens of LEGO animation. The first theatrical Lego film not produced or released by Warner Bros. Pictures. The opening credits feature the Universal Pictures, Focus Features, Tremolo Productions and Lego Group studio logos made up of Lego bricks. In early screenings of the film, the Universal logo was not present at the beginning.. Featured on Graham Norton i Guests: Billy Crystal/Emily Mortimer/Hugh Bonneville/Pharrell Williams/Michael Kiwanuka (2024). It’s Happening Written by Pharrell Williams and Shelly Berg Performed by Pharrell Williams courtesy of Columbia Records/Sony Music Entertainment. Rating: 7.5 Overall, a pretty good film that opens up the possibilities of what stories can be told through Lego Animation; but at its core it is a biased documentary about Pharrell Williams' life.